Marcello Windolph
Marcello Windolph is a certified Perceptive Psychopedagogue and Fasciatherapist based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He was a professional musician (MA Double Bass) and has indulged in various forms of bodywork and martial arts for the past 20 years.
Having trained first in traditional arts of healing and ‘developing perception’ in China, his passion gradually turned into profession. In 2010 he decided to base his approach in a western scientific method in Europe and became a student of Prof. Dr. Danis Bois (founder of Fasciatherapy MDB and Perceptive Education) at the University in Paris.
Marcello spent more than 14 years in the profession related to bodywork and has gained considerable experience with a wide range of clients. He is at home in personal manual therapy sessions and he is teaching and offering seminars in touch and perception for specific fields and professions. He has held seminars for midwifes and doulas, dancers, musicians, physical performers and has collaborated with physiotherapists in accompanying athletes.
He is currently teaching the 2016-2018 course of Perceptive Psychopedagogy in Paris at the “Centre de Formation Professionnelle en Pedagogie Perceptieve” as the assistant of Dr. Helene Bourhis.
Marcello has been teaching and treating in Amsterdam/Netherlands in the past years, has collaborated with the pregnancy centre “Moederakademie” in Amsterdam and has held seminars in Spain, Greece, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden. Most recently he has been invited as a speaker to the International Spinning Babies Conference in Minnesota/ USA 2016.
Marcello Windolph's teaching
Marcello Windolph's "Supporting Touch" Workshop in Spring 2018 is included in DOULASKOLEN. Read more about the workshop here.